Sunday, November 9, 2014


Hi readers, in class we had learned how to say the different ages of the life in english and we had to do a podcast explaining what is for us the best ages and why. So there is my podcast.


Monday, June 16, 2014


Hi, Clarie,
I recommend you to choice the job in the hotel of the seaside, I think it's better don't have the parents in the same job, and work in an office has to be boring and repetitive. And you'll be in a hotel! It's so exiting, you will be more free in a hotel at the seaside than in an dismal office. In the hotel you can see a lot of people and I thin that is more comfortable. Imagine all the summer closed in the same room! It mus be horrible, and in the hotel you'll see a lot of people and you'll be working with more people and I'm shure that you'll go to made a lot of new friends. If you choose the office  you are choosing the loneliness, but if you are very organizated and you are not very good connecting with people you can choose the office... but is not really enjoyable.

Trying to do a summarize of a plot

Hi, now I will see if I am able to explain the plot of a story, The Hunger Games.
So let's go.
The plot takes place in Panem, a nation in post apocaliptic situation in that there are twelve districts unde the Capitolio's control. The people of the districts are poor and in the Capitolio the people is ever going into a partyes and they live in a constant carnival. In the past there were thirteen districts  and they made a revelion against the Capitolio. The Capitolio won this war and destroyed the thirteenth district. appart from this the lider of the Capitolio, for punish the districts, invented the hunger games, an event in wich one boy and one girl between 12 and 18 years old are selected by lot and they must fight in a type of big stadium controlled by the Capitolio  among themselves until only one is left alive. In this story there is a girl that remplaces his little sister for became a tribute of the 74th Hunger Games. This girl is called Katniss  Everdeen, she is great and brave and she survives until the end with the help of Peeta Melark, the tribut boy of his district and she falls in love. Then tere are only two and one of they have to die. But she is really intelligent and deceived the arena's controllers making they thin that she and Peeta will kill themselves and the controlers are obligated to accept two winners.
The people of the districts interpretes this fact as a simbol of rebelion and now the problem becomes bigger.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Describing a photo

This is a colorful and a natural image, it was probably taken by a professional photographer o by a person who likes taking photos, because the photo is very accurate. The photographer is probably a friend of the persons of the photo.
In the foreground there is a football ball and also there is the sand of the beach. In the middle of the photo there is a volleyball ball. In the background there is the sea, without waves and the sky, in the sky there are not clouds.
In the photo I can see a group of people, they are young people and they are friends, they are two girls and six boys. There is a boy laying donw and the others are standing up. I think that they has been playing football up to now, I mean the moment in that was taked the photo and then they are going to swim in the sea.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Objective description:
In the background I can see a mountain without trees and a little patch of snow. In the forward there is a tent mounted in a field without a lot of vegetation, it just have grass. At the top there is the sky, it's a bit cloudy but there are white clouds. I s very iluminated, but we can't see the sun.

Subjective desciption:
This image is so peaceful, because there is a situation in to the wild, this transmites a feeling of purity, and stay in to a tend in a high montain should be very relaxing and nice. I imagin that the owners of the tend is a young couple that loves the nature. This photo is also unusual.
I would to do this in the future, and made a photo beautiful like this.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Tourist interviews

She's fromTaiwand and is the first time that she comes to Spain. She travel with plane and she was in Barcelona for a conference. She will stay in Barcelona for 4 days. She was traveling with his friend, but they doesn't visited many monuments. She loves the street of Barcelona, and she doesn't bought many souvenirs, only a T-shirt. She utilizes the taxis for get around the city. She love "Tapas" and think that Barcelona is not too much expensive. She hate the traffic of Barcelona, and she maybe will come back again.


I think that the idea of the democracy is very good but the problem is that is not very good realised. Since I was little I hear the adults say that the politics are bad people and another thing is that they never solve the problems of the country. Another think is that we haven't got many possibilities because we always have to choose a person between a small group of candidates. And also, there is the corruption and a lot o politics that pay to the people for get more votes.
Conclusion: It's true that now we have the best method for organize the society but this does not mean that is not possible to improve.