Monday, December 9, 2013

CATCHING FIRE, the hunger games


I think is the best book adaptation to the cinema I never see. The film is very similar at the book. In the film you can see all the important scenes and events very good explaineds. The actors and the actress act very well infront of the cameras, specially Jennifer Lawrence, when his caracter becomes horrified or traumatized she acts very well and transmite perfectly the feeling. I also love very much the scenary, i tink it's very good realized, the casting is perfect, but I miss some minuts which explain and gives more information about the others tributs. Another thing I miss is that in the book, the night before the games, in the tribut's interview, they makes a lot of emotions in the public, for example Finnik Odair causes the fainting of a lot of capitolio's womens, and this things doesn't appears in the fils, so, I miss a bit of humor, only a bit, because all the other importnt funny scenes are very good realized. Also the music is very good and is well suited at the situations of the events and creates a good musical environment, especially when the action gets intensity. If a films have a good musical environment the results are better. Another thing I loke is it is an a very emotional film which transmite very good the feelings in a perfect combination of sound, face expressions, wardrobe, points of view of the camera.

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