Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Hi, I wrote a short story to talk about a very important moral elements.

There was an old man who lives in a little palace. The old man was very rich and he was very close to death. He don't have any son and he lives alone. Near her house there was two young neighbors. These two wants the old man wealth's and they compete for get this.
One day, when the old man was going out of his palace when suddenly he stumbled with a rung and fall down. One of his neighbors take advantatge of the situation and run to the oppened door to sneak in the palace. Fortunately the security alarm turn on and the thief had to run away. The other neighbor laughed a lot and said to the thief that he was very stupid. And also sayd: I have other methods more efficientsthat I use and I get his wealth! 
Thirteen days after, the old man stumbed again, and the second neighbor went closed to he and threaten he for make a little change in the testament. But fortunately  a policeman save the poor old man.
In the prison, the two neighbords meeted again in two jails that are near. They tolk a lot and said that are not possible get the old man's wealth.
One month after, the old man fall again with the same rung. This time, nobody try to steal his wealth, istead, a young men pik up the old's man cane and offer his hand to help the old man to stand up. -Thanks God, there are still some gentelman in the world!-. From this event the young man helped the old man to cross the garden and in a lot of things. One year after the death claimed the old man. The last thing that he did was a firm in the testament that sais taht his wealth was property of the young man.
In the meantime, the two bad neighbors was in the jail, trying to steal the food of other neighbord. They didn't know that he don't eat his food and they didn't try to ask he. They didn't learn the lesson.


It's better be a good and gentleman man than be an a ambitious and suspicious man.

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