Saturday, November 30, 2013

Trying to write a little story

I was glad when my phone started to ring. I was in my home with my friends. My parents were not there. We had just finished to watch a horror film, and midnight had past and the only one noise was the phone ring. I look at the number because I watched to know the person who was calling me. When I saw the number a horror feeling invaded my heart. It was the number of the demos! I had time to saw one secon the number, because my phone didn't have battery and it turned off. I was affected by the film and I could not explain the frightening event to my friends. I decided to explain to my friends when the phone of one of my friends started to ring. It was the same number. We let it ring. Finnaly the stressing noise stopped. We had the feeling that the sound nips uns brains. Sudenly someone knoked at the door. We oppened the door prepared for anything. He was the pizza employer that brings our dinner!
T don't believe that! We starte to laugh a lot. The poor employer became red, he didn't undestand the reason of our laughs. He stayed standing infront of a group of friends laughing in his face, thinking he was ridiculed.

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