Sunday, December 1, 2013


The murders in the Rue Morgue is a detective novel, even, is the first  detective novel of the history. His writer is Edgar Allan Poe.Dupin and his friend are in Paris in holiday. Dupin, is very clever and have the capacity to resolve problems that the other people can't awnser. One day, Dupin reads in the news paper that say taht there has been a murder in the Rue Morgue. The victims was L'Espanaye and her daughter. Mother's throat is cutted. Dupin and his friend goes to investigate. In the scene of crim they fins a red hair near a windows. The neighbors says that they heard voices in the night. Dupin published an advertisement asking for someone that lost a orang-goutang. A sailor comes and says he lost an orang-goutang. Dupin ask to the sailor for the murder in compense for the orang-goutang. The sailor reveals that he had been keeping a captive orangutan and he escaped. Therefore the murderer was the orang-goutang and the guilty is the sailor.


It's a very good histoy, it is intriguing, had interesting problems and at the end gives you all of the awnsers that you was looking during the reading. It shows you that the first impression you have, the first guilty you thin is not ever the correct, you should analyze the situation and prove that your deductions are correct. It's amaizing the hability for connect ideas and find the awnsers of the most difficult problems.

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