Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What is christmas for me?

Christmas, the signal beginning of the winter, it's a holidays period that makes nicer this change. Its the perfect opportunity to take awareness of the end of the old year and the birth of a new year that is necessary begin with positivity, love and desire do all things well done. Christmas it's a very good event and is necessary celebrate this with hapiness, make speciall the chritsma's days and enjoy it. You have a lot of reasons to be happy, and you express this feeling giving presents to your nearest people, and if is posible to all the people. It's a period of time which you can see kindness in the street. When I see the happy faces of the people in the street, i make happy, the happiness in chritsmas is contagious. When I see a child happy because he recived a gift and their parents also are happy bacause they had gived a gift i think it's a magical moment.

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