Friday, February 28, 2014

Romeo and Juliet

This love story takes place in the city of Verona, in Italy. In Verona there were two very important and powerfull families which hate each other snice the beginning of the times: the Capulets and the Montagues. One day, a young man of the family of Montagues called Romeo saw Juliet, the beautiful lady of the Capulet's family. They cross their lookings and fell in love at first sight. But their families are enemis and they can not get married. Snice the beginning of their love they are destinated to be a star crossed lovers. Finnaly they asked to Friar Laure to make their wedding. They get married in secret but Juliet's father pledged she with Paris. Paris is a gentelmant which is very rich, in general is the perfect marry for Juliet, but she don't want to marry him because she is in love with Romeo. Then, Friar Laurece make a plan to help Romeo and Juliet to live toghether in peace. But Romeo was banished and he didn't recive the emisary of Friar Laurence which had to explain to Romeo the plan. The plan was that Juliet will drink a potion that makes she sleep for 42 hours and her parents buried she. When Romeo hear those news went immediatly to say goodbye to Juliet. He kiss she and say that he can not live without Juliet and he committes suicide. After this the effects of the potion vanish and she also comited suicide.


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