Friday, March 21, 2014

Differences between the film and the book of Romeo and Juliet

Reflection of the film and the book

In the book, the setting is in the city of Verona, in Italy and the setting of the film is in the USA. But in the film the Montagues are the "Verona Beach", both families have an edifice in the city that are the highest of the city. In the film there are a lot of metaphors such as the symbol of the petrol in the beginning of the film, when Tybalt starts to fight with two members of the family of the Montagues. The narrator in the book is an off narrator and in the film the narrator is a girl that say the news on the TV. The petrol  is dark and I think it is related to death and the hate. We can see the water in the scenes that are more romantic, especially in the scene of the swimming pool and the illumination of the pool makes a special feeling. In the film they use the most famous phrases of the book in the most important moments. The role of the costumes, in the film Romeo have the costume of an ancient knight and Juliet is an angel. I tihink it is because Juliet is innocent and Romeo is the brave man and it's also a metode to conserve the classical sorry of Shakespeare, because is more romantic mith this dresses. In the film they utilizes guns with names of sword but i think it's better fighting by swords because in the battle with swords they have to be brave and with  gun is not nothing interesting and the han't time to talk or say some important phrase.

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