Friday, April 11, 2014


NEW 1-Man who eats, sleeps and dresses Brazilian football

In Brasil, there is a man who eats, sleeps and dresses Brasilian football. When he was fourteen years old he did a promise: if Brazilian nation wins the world coup he will utilize the brazilian coluor for wathever he do. Now he is waiting for the 2014's world coup and if Brazil don't win the tournament he will stop dressing brazilian clothes. Now he is very famous in Brazil. His name is Lawyer Nelson Paviotti.

NEW 2-Hishammuddin Hussein: 'I know we will find the plane'

The man that is leading the hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane says he is cautiously optimistic that the search is about to enter a new phase.
In an interview with the BBC's Jonah Fisher, Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia's acting transport minister defended the way the investigation had been handled so far and said that he remains confident that the plane will be found.
cautiously:  cautelosament
hunt for: caçant / crcant algun cosa
handled: manejat

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